- After 9 months of working as a Graphic Designer at Xi3, I got laid off, along with 2 of my co-workers. It's a blessing in disguise because it's given me the chance to update my portfolio, but I also miss my old co-workers.
- Because of the free time I had, I got to visit my friend in Hawaii!! Oahu, to be exact.
It was my first time outside of the continental US and it was amazing. The people there are so nice and chill (sometime too chill, but I won't get into that now...) Not to mention the scenery was beautiful, which you'll see below. I was so impressed at the turquoise water and how green and alive everything was. It's almost impossible to take an ugly picture there. *almost* There were a lot of really cool-looking trees, too. Oh, and the weather was super bipolar. I thought Utah was bad, but during my first day there, it was sunny, then rained, then was sunny again - all within about 5 minutes. (as seen in the first photo below)
I brought a more compact camera than my huge Nikon D700 so I could carry it around more easily, so the quality of the pictures isn't as good, but for a fraction of the cost, I think it did it's job pretty well.
The trip was so fun. I went on beautiful hikes, learned how to surf, swam in a waterfall, saw a sea turtle while snorkeling, and got to swim in warm ocean water during the winter time. Needless to say, for someone who doesn't get to travel to new places often, it was amazing!! :)
Next stop: Australia and/or New Zealand!! (In like 10 years...)
(TIP: Click on the photos to expand them)