Friday, December 21, 2012


I got a Bamboo Create tablet today. One of my old co-workers recommended it to me, and I can't WAIT to try it out! I've already played around with it a little bit and it's awesome! It'll take a little while to get used to, but it's a lot better than using the trackpad to design :)

(I did NOT take this picture, just fyi)

Monday, December 17, 2012


My latest product shot. This was sooo hard to photograph. It took nearly 4 hours, but the bottle looked so cool that I had to finish. It was a great learning experience, though!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Natural Stress Relievers

So, this is kind of a weird post because it's a photography blog, not a Dear Abby column, but I thought I'd share my thoughts about stress relief. This can be a particularly stressful time of year: holidays, finals (for those in school), sickness from weather change, etc. I've found myself getting super stressed just trying to find a full-time job, figuring out plans for holidays, and just living life in general.

But I've noticed something over the past year: I've been more stressed during the times I didn't exercise, didn't eat right, and just tried to deal with things on my own. I didn't really let off steam in a healthy way. So, here are some natural, healthy remedies that actually work! (There are a ton, but I just chose my tried-and-true favorites)

Yes, this one seems obvious, but you'd be surprise at how many people don't use this as a stress reliever. When I was in school, going for a quick run was the last thing I wanted to do because I had other things to get done. But, when I finally exercised the stress out, I was able to think more clearly and was more energized. Plus, the endorphins made me happier.

Whether you're just with a friend or watching YouTube videos remember to LAUGH! It's another simple, and somewhat silly, remedy. But it works!! It's easy to get caught up in the stresses of school, career, or just life, but if you laugh it helps to break up your internal tension.

Calling up a friend can really help decrease stress levels. It's easy to become a hermit when you have too much on your shoulders. I know I've been guilty of this, but the moment I pick up the phone (or meet up with a friend) and simply talk I immediately feel better. Whether I talk about my worries or call just to talk, it helps to release all the tension I have built up because I forget about it for the time being or resolve it.

Yes, another strange one. I know it's not my first instinct, but it really is effective. One of my college professors suggested this to his class during finals, saying that recording your thoughts keeps the dialogue from running over and over in your head. Just write what's on your mind: don't think about it, just let it out. This is for your eyes only, and you can throw it away or reflect on it later. It can be a few sentences, a couple of pages, or even a poem. Just get it on paper.

My personal favorite. Eating DARK chocolate is not only has health benefits (in moderation, of course), but it also doubles as a stress reducer. Studies show that eating 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate every day can reduce cortisol, a stress hormone. This is why I try to eat dark chocolate every day ;) I used to not like dark chocolate, then I discovered Dove dark.

Last, but definitely not least, listen to some music. Whether you're just listening to it or dancing to it, music is an effective stress reliever. If you're someone who can't listen to music while working/studying, take a small break (5 or 10 minutes) and listen to your favorite song to get your mind off things.

While stress is a natural and necessary part of everyday life, don't let it bring you down. Remember to work hard and play hard!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My New Store

I figured that since I have quite a few fine artsy photos, I might as well put some up for sale. Then I found this website after stalking my friend's blog (thanks, Lex!!) and it's the perfect place to sell artwork! Check out my store (either by the link or on the "shop my store" link in the right sidebar) -- there are prints, canvases, iPhone, iPod, and iPad covers. It's pretty cool and really easy to set up.

Oh yeah, and here's a $5 off coupon if you see something you like! 

NOTE: It only runs til November 11, and you have to use this link to get it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New York

Wow. It's been forever since I last posted on this (well, except for yesterday). My life has been so crazy lately, but now that I have a moment, I'd like to share my adventures (or pictures of them, rather) :)

I spent 7 days in NYC. A beautiful and crazy city. There are all kinds of people there, it was great! I LOVE diversity--I miss it a lot! I don't think I could live there, though, because I don't really like subways and it's way too hectic for me to try to get around on foot. I like chill atmospheres. AND not to mention the weather...every time I walked outside, my hands instantly got damp from the humidity. Don't get me wrong, though. It's an awesome place :)

I love walking everywhere, I wish we could do that more on the west coast. There was SO much to see. NYC (just like a lot of places in New England) has a lot of history and cool buildings. It was amazing to see all of the architecture and culture.

I went with 2 other girls. It was kind of a girls week, I guess. We did a LOT of exploring! Here's part of our list, and we did about 98%, if not ALL (plus some) of these things... (One of the girls did an internship there a few summers ago, so she made this list up, not me, I'm not patient enough haha):




Yeah, it was a looong week! I was so tired by the end of it, I think I slept for about a day.

People always ask me what my favorite part of the trip was, and I can honestly say that I don't have one. It was all really fun and I loved just taking a break from real life.

Anyway, enough talking! Here are some photos (they're sporadically placed):
P.S. None of these are composited; just color-correction. It was really a beautiful time of year to visit.


On top of the Empire State Building
View from the Empire State Building

I LOVE the architecture!
Are we in China?
Central Park

Now I feel like I'm in England...I'm confused.

"Tangled" tower?

Yeah, that's not grass... gross.

For all you Beatles fans

John Lennon's Apartment

The piano from Big!!

St Patrick's Cathedral

St Patrick's Cathedral

Since there are a shortage of trees on the street, this is kinda cool

Thought this was funny :)

Yup, I'm a tourist, and I don't know how to use a magnifier thingy!! ;)

The skyline
Don't remember what this was for, but it looked rustic and cool on this cloudy day.

The pier

Gotta have a pic of Lady Liberty

One of the Freedom Towers (under construction, obviously)

9/11 monument, really cool and peaceful

Lone leaf

Seen enough? Good, cause that's all!! (for now)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Time for new skills...

I'm a college graduate. I can't even express how excited I was to finally graduate! No more homework and I would get paid, not the school.

Well, little did I know, it's not that simple. I couldn't find a job. Not because I'm not qualified--simply because there is a huge lack of a job market for photography. 

Yes, I have almost completed one semester's
worth of work in 1 1/2 weeks. I'm a little addicted...
But, almost all (5 ouf of 7) of the siblings (and most of their spouses) are programmers. They are all ridiculously smart and (yes) nerdy. I say that with all of the love in the world. They are really going places: they all have great-paying jobs and are successful.

So, I thought I'd give it a shot. Now, I'm kind of addicted. I'm re-learning HTML and CSS and now I'm digging deeper into JavaScript and I actually find it FUN!! Crazy, right? But it's true. Something about typing in a code and getting the computer to display what I want it to gives me a huge satisfaction. My biggest motivator, though, is that there is a job market for it.

I'm learning WEB DESIGN and it's awesome!!
Here's where I'm learning it. 

And here's what I'm also learning... if you mess one little thing up (i.e. forget one little semicolon or parenthesis) your code goes  BOOM  and everything gets screwed up. Talk about frustrating... so you could spend hours like this and not know what's going on:

(In fact, I have seen my little sister Christina do this many times, it's kinda funny to watch, but not fun from the other end)

I'm obviously not a pro at it yet, and frequently feel like the little cartoon shown above, but I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere in this dead economy. I'm still--and always will be-- a photographer who loves to Photoshop, but I also love designing and programming now.

I guess I'm a nerd. It's in my blood-- you can't escape genetics ;)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

"Another One Bites the Dust"- That's the song Echo and I sang every time one of our friends got married. So I sang it to her too :)

As you may have noticed, it's been a while since my last post. I can't say exactly how long, but I know I can't remember the last thing I wrote about...whoops :P

But early this month, I had the opportunity of seeing one of my best friends Echo get married, and she was glowing! I also got to photograph it and they are an adorable couple. It was really fun seeing her and how happy she was :)  (PS She's a country girl at heart, as you will see from the photos, and she picked her own flowers for the wedding from her backyard because they're so expensive. She's hilarious, and that's why I love her haha)

Plus, Colorado is a beautiful place. The whole time I was there (well, the 2 days I was there...) the skies were so pretty, with blue skies and clouds. It was really hot, but at least the view was amazing.

Aaaand, Echo got a beagle puppy Shiloh and he reminded me so much of my dog Norman that I had growing up! He was so cute!


And after the wedding I packed up to move back to Utah, where everything closes at 10 (my sister and I were looking for somewhere to eat and nowhere was open. grrrr....) . It's weird being back. I actually have to keep a close eye on my speed now and deal with stupid drivers yet again. Though I love San Diego, the job market sucks down there for my field (or doesn't pay very well at all), and school and housing there is waaaay expensive, so I'm planning on going to U of U to get a certificate in Web Design. Or go to University of Washington to get a double degree in Web Design and Photography. We'll see how that works out! In the meantime, unemployment sucks, so I hope I can find a better job with the extra schooling.


Anyway, here are some wedding pictures and some other pictures that I took while I was visiting. (for the record, the web screws up the colors, so some are a lot darker than planned...)

We finally got somewhat of a smile out of Wes

I was blessed with cloudy skies for the pictures at the temple :)

Cowboy boots! Such a cute family (Echo, Holton, Wes)

She insisted on doing this in her wedding dress. Crazy girl (that's Echo for you) but it turned out beautifully!

My bestie :)

PUPPY!!!! I seriously thought of Norman every time I saw this adorable puppy. Should have kidnapped him while I had the chance...

Beautiful Colorado. (love the trailer...haha)

View of Colorado from the plane. I thought it was a river at first. So pretty

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!! (and other ramblings)

First of all...HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! I love this holiday because it reminds me of how great America really is. Sure, politics suck and we have our disagreements, but we can't deny this this is a great country. We have freedom. What more can we ask for?? I don't get into political debates very often, or at all really, but I had a debate with someone about how great America is compared to other less-fortunate countries. We fought and still fight for our freedom and are really a powerful nation. Sure, no country is perfect, but I would rather be here than anywhere else :)

Can't wait to see some fireworks!! My favorite part of this holiday!


See? I'm terrible at blogging! I guess I just don't like the idea of putting parts of my boring life on the internet for everyone to see, but people told me to keep it up, so here I am! I took the end of my internship as a break from it :P But I've gotta keep it up, I'll do my best!

My internship is officially over (and has been for a week) and now I have to start looking for a real job. Fun, huh?? Not so much... I've been looking/applying all over the place, from Los Angeles, San Diego,  the Bay Area, Seattle, and even Salt Lake City. But no luck. I am currently living in San Diego in hopes of finding a job, but we'll see how long this lasts. Thought it'd be easer to find a job than it's been. Stupid economy. I might have to move back to cheaper Provo. An my mom is trying to get me to move back home. Ha, no... but nothing is set in stone; in fact, it's more like water right now. We'll see!

But, on a different note, my little sister Christina got married last week and she looked beautiful! (p.s. I did her hair :) ) My whole family came down to San Diego for the event and we went to Disneyland and the Safari Park that week. It was a long week, but so much fun! I love hanging with my family and all its craziness :)

Since I was the photographer at my sister's wedding, here are some pictures of the lovely bride and groom (the pictures took forever to upload, so this is all I currently have time/patience to show haha)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Perfume Shot and Movie Sets

This week was much more successful. Jerry was there to help me through the whole shooting process this time and gave me much-needed tips! I am much happier with my result this time.

I love the shape of this bottle! It was really tricky but fun to shoot. When Jerry said that it was going to be interesting (aka hard) to shoot, I thought, "Aw crap..." But it was actually a really cool experience. And it felt good that he said "This is your shot, not the ad? It's very nice! Great job!" :)


Some other cool stuff that happened

For one shoot, we went to a studio to photograph a city-- built ENTIRELY out of computer parts. It was sooo cool! I couldn't get very good pictures on my camera phone, but here's basically what it looked like:

It even had little street lights!! So cute! 

This studio was also the place where many big/famous films were shot. When we were there, they were shooting a Vizio commercial and there wasn't much for me to do, so I went exploring for a bit. Here are some pictures I found on the wall of the sets...




THE AVIATOR ( I love this one. He looks massive!)

CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (I thought this was pretty cool)



And, here's a hybrid car charger in a mall parking structure. I've never seen spots dedicated to them in a mall before...