Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!! (and other ramblings)

First of all...HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! I love this holiday because it reminds me of how great America really is. Sure, politics suck and we have our disagreements, but we can't deny this this is a great country. We have freedom. What more can we ask for?? I don't get into political debates very often, or at all really, but I had a debate with someone about how great America is compared to other less-fortunate countries. We fought and still fight for our freedom and are really a powerful nation. Sure, no country is perfect, but I would rather be here than anywhere else :)

Can't wait to see some fireworks!! My favorite part of this holiday!


See? I'm terrible at blogging! I guess I just don't like the idea of putting parts of my boring life on the internet for everyone to see, but people told me to keep it up, so here I am! I took the end of my internship as a break from it :P But I've gotta keep it up, I'll do my best!

My internship is officially over (and has been for a week) and now I have to start looking for a real job. Fun, huh?? Not so much... I've been looking/applying all over the place, from Los Angeles, San Diego,  the Bay Area, Seattle, and even Salt Lake City. But no luck. I am currently living in San Diego in hopes of finding a job, but we'll see how long this lasts. Thought it'd be easer to find a job than it's been. Stupid economy. I might have to move back to cheaper Provo. An my mom is trying to get me to move back home. Ha, no... but nothing is set in stone; in fact, it's more like water right now. We'll see!

But, on a different note, my little sister Christina got married last week and she looked beautiful! (p.s. I did her hair :) ) My whole family came down to San Diego for the event and we went to Disneyland and the Safari Park that week. It was a long week, but so much fun! I love hanging with my family and all its craziness :)

Since I was the photographer at my sister's wedding, here are some pictures of the lovely bride and groom (the pictures took forever to upload, so this is all I currently have time/patience to show haha)