Monday, January 23, 2012

I got it!!!!

I just spoke with Jerry over the phone, and he said that we'll go through with the internship!!! I'm so excited!! Slightly scared, but still really, really excited!! I'll be doing what I love in a beautiful place all summer-- It will be an adventure :) (now if I could have the motivation to drudge through Econ...)

The best part: he said that on days when we are not shooting (more often than not) for Ross clothing, I will be on the computer looking up props and ideas and I'll be editing. Then I can work on my own stuff and he'll give me tips and ideas and I'll basically have full access to his awesome studio. Pretty sweet :) This is what I look forward to learning (all his product work, I can't take credit for any of this) :

He's pretty amazing at what he does. And I'm excited, in case I haven't expressed that enough :)

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